EchoTik |How to get to Manage Returns/Refunds

    ·June 24, 2024
    ·2 min read

    In this section, you will get to know how to manage your returns and refunds.

    Seller Center > Orders > Manage Returns/Refunds


    Click the All tab, and you can find all return and refund requests from buyers.

    To Proceed

    The To Proceed tab leads you to all the requests that are waiting to be processed. You have 48 hours to respond to these requests. If you fail to respond within the time limit, the system will approve these requests automatically.

    • ​You need to provide your reason if you want to reject a request. The buyer can also appeal against your rejection.

    • ​If a buyer appeals against the decision, TikTok will intervene and mediate between you and the buyer for a solution.

    Actions you can take:

    • ​Accept request

    • ​Reject request

    • ​View return records

    In Process

    The In Process tab shows all requests that have been approved and are in the process of returning and refunding. You can view the records here.


    The Completed tab shows all returns and refunds that have been approved and completed.


    The Closed tab shows all requests that are closed.

    • ​You need to provide your reason if you want to reject a request. The buyer can also appeal against your rejection.

    • ​When rejected for the first time, the buyer can submit a second request or an appeal.

    • ​When rejected twice on the same order, the buyer can only submit an appeal.

    • ​If a buyer appeals against the decision, TikTok will intervene and mediate between you and the buyer for a solution.

    EchoTik, a third-party data analysis platform for short videos and live-streaming e-commerce. EchoTik’s mission is to enable global sellers, creators, MCNs, and brands to master the marketing methods of short videos and live-streaming to sell and promote their products easily. will continue to accompany you to explore the new opportunities of global video and live e-commerce, and provide you with TikTok related information and guidance on product selection and operation. Welcome to follow!


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