EchoTik Weekly Leaderboard|TikTok Trending Creators & Videos (12/05-12/11)

    ·June 24, 2024
    ·3 min read

    Hello, I am your TikTok data consultant Echo.

    In order to facilitate you to quickly understand the popular trends of TikTok and improve your content creation ability, (), the TikTok data analysis platform, has launched the .Please check the leaderboard and analysis of last week (2022/12/05-12/11).

    EchoTik Global Follower Growth Weekly Leaderboard (12/05-12/11)

    According to (), from December 05 to December 11 of last week, the top 5 global accounts that increased their followers were: Enejota, argenby • sigma, Masked Hokage, FIFA, noelgoescrazy.
    () and click on Creators - Leaderboard to see the full leaderboard and other related leaderboards, with multi-dimensional filtering by 

    It is worth noting that the account: argenby • sigma (@argenby) has been among the top 3 global TikTok fans for several weeks, and this week, he ranked second on the global TikTok fans list with 1.7M new followers and a total of 281.5M likes, which shows his popularity.

    Account: noelgoescrazy (@noelgoescrazy) is also in the Top 5 of the weekly fan increase list with 1.3M new fans. noelgoescrazy's videos are mainly around music/dance, with an average video play count of 24.16M, making him a hot video artist on TikTok.

    EchoTik Global Dark Horse Creators Weekly Leaderboard (12/05-12/11)

    ​ has developed an exclusive growth index for users to help filter out the  with the most growth potential (under 100,000 followers). From Dec. 05 to Dec. 11, the top 5 dark horse creators in the world were

    HongYue ranked first with 74.6K new followers in a week. The total number of followers is 77.4K, which is at a very high level, indicating that the creative content is eye-catching enough.

    The creator's creation direction is mainly around small animals, such as kittens, puppies, etc. Most of the videos are less than 15 seconds, in line with the characteristics of short video creation, often issued in conjunction with funny, cute and other related tags.

    EchoTik Global Trending Videos Weekly Leaderboard (12/05-12/11)

    In the last 7 days, the videos with the highest number of likes worldwide are as follows. 
    The Top 5 videos have the highest number of comments, with . The video was created by the creator , whose creations mainly revolve around various entertainment categories, a very popular creative trend at the moment, and the creator can use the video's original voice to get more traffic.

    Above is the content and data analysis of TikTok Trending Creators & Videos (12/05-12/11) brought to you by in this issue. In the next issue, we will bring you the TikTok Trending Products & Shops Weekly Leaderboard.
    EchoTik, a third-party data analysis platform for short videos and live-streaming e-commerce. EchoTik


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