GMV $750,000! This small TikTok shop in the US attracts a million followers by selling ‘stones’! | EchoTik Product Insight

    ·June 24, 2024
    ·4 min read

    Speaking of「crystals」, many experienced sellers of TikTok Shop are rather familiar. Crystals/minerals have always been hot-selling items in the TikTok European and US markets. In 2022, at the peak of this category, TikTok Shop UK product ranking list were once dominated by crystals, until TikTok official revealed a policy allowing only invited merchants in this category to enter and operate, which eased the situation.

    Locals believe that crystal stones have functions like purifying the magnetic field, bringing luck, and attracting wealth. People think different types of crystals bring different kinds of good luck, for example: pink crystal represents romantic luck, yellow crystal represents monetary luck, etc. Therefore, many consumers buy various raw crystals to place in their homes, and also buy crystal jewelry to wear, to hold onto their beautiful wishes.

    On TikTok, the browsing and discussion about crystals are trending. People exchange ideas about selecting and purifying crystals on TikTok. Related popular tags: #crystaltok #crystal , and #mining have over 1 billion exposures.

    According to EchoTik data, an unusual TikTok crystal shop: Declans Mining Co, stand out from its competitors. In the latest two months since its launch, it has 20,700 sales, estimated GMV of over $1 million, repeatedly entering the TikTok Shop US sales daily rankings!

    Today, we will analyze its ‘breakthrough point’.

    Declans Mining is a domestic US shop. Unlike Chinese source sellers’「price competition」type low-price, high-sales model, Declans Mining has 「slightly innovated」 the same product, inventing the 「Gemstone Mining Buckets」 category, mainly targeting the parent-child relationship market, easily raising the profit margin through differentiation: the shop’s product prices range from $6 to $70, an average price per bucket of $55, 3–5 times ATV of similar shops.

    The gemstone mining bucket product combination is rather simple: consumers (usually parents) can freely customize the single or multiple types of crystals they want, and Declans Mining will mix the requested crystals with mining sand in a plastic bucket. Consumers can also purchase mining tools from the shop like shovels and sieves, allowing their children to dig out the crystals from the gravel and put them into a collection box, enjoying the fun of treasure hunting.

    Each product comes with a science manual about the types and names of minerals, helping children identify the types of crystals. It is popular because it enhances parent-child bonding, allows children to improve their hands-on skills while playing, and learn new knowledge.

    In addition, due to the wide variety of crystals, to help children complete their mineral collections, many parents repeatedly purchase custom buckets, increasing the repurchase rate of the product and enhancing user/customer loyalty. That’s the reason for Declans Mining to easily gain loyal followers on various international social media platforms through the sale of crystals.

    On TikTok, the official account of Declans Mining has already exceeded 1 million followers, with an interaction rate as high as 24%, and a high conversion rate for goods, with all orders generated by the official account, saving the effort and cost of influencer invitations.

    Regular and high-frequency content updates are one of the main reasons why Declans Mining can quickly gain followers and maintain high interaction. Declans Mining maintains an update frequency of almost one video every 1.5 days, with short videos mainly between 30–60 seconds. The content and filming method are rather simple, usually showing the filling process of each crystal mining bucket order: users can see shiny crystals being layered in the sand and stones, finally placed in a box with the brand’s exclusive logo. Some videos also combine ASMR creative techniques, making the ‘mining’ sound comfortable and relaxing.

    Declans Mining focuses on product innovation and holiday marketing, bringing different surprises to children. Approaching Christmas, they launched a crystal set with gingerbread man and snowflake shapes, and currently, the sales of this set are sky rocketing.

    In the product promotion videos, the founder emphasizes: 「This is definitely the coolest gift hidden under the Christmas tree」, successfully converting tens of thousands of dollars in orders

    In the product promotion videos, the founder emphasizes: 「This is definitely the coolest gift hidden under the Christmas tree」, successfully converting tens of thousands of dollars in orders run, the ability to independently control content marketing and product promotion is the key to victory.

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