Update| EchoTik v23.2.1-beta is online!

    ·June 24, 2024
    ·1 min read

    1. Release of Live Room Library.

    2. Released two leaderboards: Most Viewed Live Rooms and Hot Selling Live Rooms.

    3. Mobile access to the landing page, dashboard page, leaderboard, and influencer details page.

    4. Add more descriptions on the details page for users to read and understand easily.

    5. Display the last update time of data more obviously.

    6. Optimize dashboard page's quick links, add favorites, calculator and other common functions entrance.

    7. Solve the problem that the video list on the product detail page is invalidated by the option of whether to sell product.

    Coming soon...

    EchoTik, a third-party data analysis platform for short videos and live-streaming e-commerce. EchoTik's mission is to enable global sellers, creators, MCNs, and brands to master the marketing methods of short videos and live-streaming.In addition to using popular hashtags, EchoTik will continue to accompany you to explore the new opportunities of global video and live e-commerce, and provide you with TikTok-related information and guidance on selection and operation. Welcome to follow our channel!EhoTik:​

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